From Action to Inclusion: Telstra's Disability Inclusion Plan
Early last year, I had the pleasure of attending the launch of Telstra's new 2017-2019 Disability Inclusion Plan. I was familiar with Telstra’s commitment to disability employment, but was not aware of the other ways in which the company was committed to creating a more accessible and inclusive community. Following the launch, I wanted to learn more, so I met with Kelly Schulz, Telstra’s Senior Advisor on Accessibility and Inclusion. Over coffee, Kelly shared some of her story, and described how the new inclusion plan would be implemented over the next two years.
Navigation Through the Nations: Transit Using Zoom
In this day and age we use our phones for just about everything. We check our emails, the time, how much we exercise (or not!), our social media account or just to read a book. I think the only thing my phone can’t do is make my bed or cook my dinner!
People always ask me how I find my way on different streets, and in particular, traveling on public transport. Like everyone else, I use my phone! I use my phone with screen magnification called Zoom which comes with all Apple devices.
Navigation Through the Nations: Expedia
Lauren reviews the Expedia website and iPhone application.
Inclusive and Accessible Games: Introduction
Lauren introduces a new series on accessible gaming.
Navigation Through the Nations: Edmonton, Canada
Wade takes us through the public transit information system in Edmonton, Canada.
Navigation Through the Nations: Perth, Western Australia
Grace describes how she finds her way around public transport in the city of Perth, Western Australia.
Navigation Through the Nations: a Travel Toolbox
Lauren discusses the tools she uses to help navigate around the public transport systems of Melbourne and country Victoria.
Low Vision: mobile adaption on iPhone
Matt describes the adaptations he's made to use his iPhone as a person with poor eyesight, and the ways that application developers can make this experience better.
Navigation Through the Nations: Introduction
An introduction to our new series of articles about travel — local and international — with a disability.
Confessions of a PA: the Complexities of Tracking Time
Timesheets are a standard business tool, but a lot of them aren't great for blind users. Lauren discusses the difficulty she's had with the web application Harvest.
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